iOS 17 Has Killed Digital Business Cards… Or Has It?

Today we are going to look into Apple's newest iOS17 NameDrop feature and look at NameDrop vs V1CE . Back in June at the WWDC conference, Apple announced the upcoming release of the highly anticipated iOS 17 update. Whilst the announcement of the Apple Vision Pro piqued the interest of many observers, the promised overhaul of the iOS system to be released in iOS 17 stole much of the buzz. With so many updates to Messages, Phone, and FaceTime, FaceTime on Apple TV with Continuity Camera, Improved Autocorrect, StandBy mode, Interactive widgets, Mood tracking and journaling, Shared AirTags and AirPods it’s easy to see how iOS 17 garnered such a buzz.
iPhones and Digital Business Cards - What's the connection?
However, there’s one particular new feature that stood out to most. Apple's new feature, NameDrop. So what exactly is NameDrop? Let me explain…
NameDrop is a new feature that will allow you to move two iPhones close together and wirelessly exchange your contact details. Much like its predecessor NameDrop requires Bluetooth to transfer, and once two iPhones are in close proximity you can choose whether to share contact details or just to receive a contact. Whilst the information you share has remained the same (Phone Number, Email Address, Address and Website) they have added a feature that allows you to create an image with your face (or Memoji) and name in a mix of fonts and colours. The poster will then live in your contact card and subsequently pop up on your friend’s iPhone whenever you call.
What Is A Digital Business Card?
Now let's talk about V1CE and its Digital Business Cards, the alleged next casualty in Apples long line of victims. V1CE is a Networking Tool that uses the power of NFC Technology to wirelessly share data.
V1CE leverages the power of NFC in its many products including Business Cards, Table Talkers, Phone Cards, Phone Cases and Key Rings. V1CE allows you to share all your information including contact details, websites, Social Links, Pictures, Videos, E-Menus, PDF’s, Reviews and much more. Whilst also boasting a whole lot more features like Meeting Scheduling, Business Card Scanner, Exchange Contact, Leads Generator, Bulk Edits, Team Analytics to name a few. V1CE allows its user to simply tap and digitally share all of this information.

The Issue With NameDrop.
- “If it doesn’t work everytime it doesn’t work anytime”
One of the biggest glaring issues with NameDrop is that it is only compatible with other iOS devices. Meaning you can share with another iPhone or Apple Watch, but as soon as you meet someone with an Android the tech is useless. This is a huge issue when you consider 71.63% of the world's population use an Android.
2. Limited Sharing Capabilities
When it comes to sharing information its clear V1CE is head and shoulders above NameDrop. NameDrop will allow you to share your most basic contact details but who even calls anymore? People need the ability to share ALL their details allowing the recipient to get in touch through whatever method suits the situation best, for example sharing your insta profile or booking a meeting. The graphic below shows just how inferior NameDrops sharing capabilities are.
3. First Impressions Are Everything.
There's a reason that the humble business card has been around since the 18th century. FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE EVERYTHING. A Business Card is an extension of you and your business. It’s a statement and an opportunity for you to sell yourself. What impression is a Phone Number and Email Address attached to a picture of you leaving on someone?
Business Cards Will Never Die…
It takes just a small glance into the past to understand that there are so many instances of new businesses, features or technology coming out and there being a major worry to people only for it to be unfounded.
When Amazon was first launched in 1994, it was seen by many as a death sentence for brick and mortar retailers. However, what Amazon actually did was build trust between consumers and e-commerce giving businesses a whole new global audience to reach. The same can also be said for the rise of social media. It was claimed it would mean the demise of traditional newspapers, but what it actually did was give these news companies to spread news faster and to a much wider audience than ever before.
In Conclusion…
Sharing contact information through electronic business cards was originally treated with scepticism, but as consumers have grown and accustomed to the true power of digital sharing this idea has already shifted. Now Apple will bring it to the forefront of its 1.36 Billion users and the rest of mainstream media, bringing more eyes and attention than ever before to contactless sharing. Whilst NameDrop is a cool feature for people sharing their number with a friend etc. it is just a raindrop in the ocean in comparison to the true power of V1CE.